Americans Trust Donald Trump Over Joe Biden To Be Next President: New Poll

On the issue of immigration, which is expected to be a key focus in the 2024 election, 45% of respondents said they approve of how Trump handled the issue while president.

Americans Trust Donald Trump Over Joe Biden To Be Next President: New Poll - SurgeZirc
Americans Trust Donald Trump Over Joe Biden To Be Next President: New Poll.

A recent poll conducted by ABC/Ipsos has revealed that Americans have more trust in former President Donald Trump to lead the United States as commander in chief than President Biden.

The poll, which was conducted before the two candidates are expected to be officially named their party’s 2024 nominees, asked respondents who they would trust more to lead the country as president between the two.

According to the poll, 36% of respondents said they trust Trump more, while only 33% said they trust Biden more.

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Interestingly, around 30% of respondents said they would trust neither candidate. These results indicate that there is still a significant portion of the population who have reservations about both candidates.

The survey also revealed that voters approve of Trump’s handling of more issues than Biden’s. Specifically, more respondents approved of Trump’s handling of inflation, crime, the southern border crisis, gun violence, and the economy compared to that of the current administration.

On the issue of immigration, which is expected to be a key focus in the 2024 election, 45% of respondents said they approve of how Trump handled the issue while president. In contrast, only 29% of respondents supported how Biden is currently handling the crisis at the southern border.

When it comes to the economy, 49% of respondents said they approve of the way Trump handled the issue while president, while only 37% approve of Biden’s handling of the economy. This suggests that many Americans still have confidence in Trump’s ability to manage economic matters.

In terms of crime, the plurality of respondents, 45%, approved of Trump’s handling of the issue over Biden’s. Similarly, respondents also preferred Trump’s approach to gun violence, with 37% supporting his handling compared to 34% for Biden.

While Donald Trump received higher approval ratings for most issues, Biden was viewed as handling two issues better than Trump: abortion and climate change.

About 47% of respondents approve of how Biden is handling the issue of abortion, while 35% support how Trump handled the issue during his presidency. This suggests that Biden’s stance on abortion resonates with a significant portion of the population.

On the issue of climate change, 42% of respondents prefer how Biden is handling it, compared to 33% who had a positive view of how Trump handled the issue. This indicates that Biden’s focus on addressing climate change is appealing to many Americans.

It’s important to note that the ABC/Ipsos poll was conducted from March 8 to 9, with a margin of error of plus or minus 4.5 percentage points.

While these results provide valuable insights into public opinion, it’s crucial to consider that opinions can change over time and may vary depending on the specific circumstances and events leading up to the 2024 election.

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