When Your Family Drives You Insane And How To Cope

Often times the loud arguments and downright screaming matches we have, aren’t because we’re unloved or drowned out; it happens because our family cares about us. Whether it be over material possessions or ties

Family, the people you cannot choose or change. It’s no surprise that the people you grow up with and call your core family, get on your nerves at times. Sometimes they end up stomping on it and obliterating it all at the same time.

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They see you in your darkest times as well as your happiest. They’re annoying yet lovable all at once. Their stark contrast of opinions often leads you to contemplate the undeniable question, “am I really one of them?” Unless you’re a part of the Brady Bunch, you know exactly what I’m getting at.

Family isn’t just determined by the bloodline that you share, but rather the relationships and bonds that are forged. These often blur the lines (and understandably so) between the almighty blood and water analogy. Whether you’ve happened upon them during your time on this Earth or were born into them, the following still applies.

Having grown up in a medium to large family myself, I often come to loggerheads with the strong personalities that have not only raised me but who have also shaped and molded me into the woman I am today (mom and dad, if you’re reading this – you raised a legend).

Often times the loud arguments and downright screaming matches we have, aren’t because we’re unloved or drowned out; it happens because our family cares about us. Whether it be over material possessions or ties to questionable people, the fact remains that anger comes from a place of fear, and fear happens when we approach the unknown. It isn’t always justifiable or logical, but it is rooted in love.

When we love somebody, we tend to want to protect them from every bad possibility or outcome, because it breaks our heart to see them hurt. The same way that our family tries to protect us in unknown waters.

Now, I’m not about to turn this into an anger management class or minimize your current situation. Seeing a professional would be the best possible solution for any deep-seeded resentment or emotions, and it doesn’t make you any less of a person to seek help.

Families can be difficult, but they can also be amazing. At times. In the world we live in today, we’ve got no option but to grasp tightly onto the ones who love and accept us regardless of our social standing. We need to appreciate their efforts and perks while they’re still around to appreciate.

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I hate to sound like a cliché, but life is short. We never know what situations may arise that will take with it the people, who we thought would be around forever. Love as hard as you can. Smile as brightly as you’re able to, and most importantly, never forget that you are needed, wanted, and loved by someone out there.

Finally, remember to stay safe in these crazy times and take the opportunity to laugh every so often – if not for them, then for the sake of your own happiness.

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