When Boredom Eats Away at You And How to Deal With It

We all know it needs to be done and after putting it off for weeks, it’s time to face the cobwebs and ruffled up balls of clothing.

Boredom is inevitable. Some feel this way at work, and others feel this way on rough first dates. It’s a monster under the bed that comes out to play whether we’ve got piles of work to do or nothing at all.

The only difference now is that we’ve been forced to face this monster for the last few weeks and for the foreseeable future. I’m proud to say that this is my inspiration for today’s article (don’t tell my boss).

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I’ve researched and tried the various methods that have attacked me on my way down the rabbit hole and as such, I’ve compiled the following list of what to do when boredom eats away at you.

Clean the kitchen. Again. And Again. And Again.

It’s an annoying task to do but let’s face it, there’s always something to do in the kitchen. The upside is that there are snacks as a reward for a job well done.

Pamper yourself.

Whether its facial masks or manicures; it doesn’t matter! All that does matter, and I can attest to this, is that you will feel amazing afterward and have passed the time. It’s a win-win situation.

Re-organize your cupboards.

We all know it needs to be done and after putting it off for weeks, it’s time to face the cobwebs and ruffled up balls of clothing.

Do some research.

The world has an abundance of information that’s available at your fingertips. Instead of spending hours on cat meme pages, you can do some research. Often times the world seems small, especially when we’re enclosed in our bedroom walls, but there’s more out there waiting to be discovered.

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Master your hobbies.

Now’s a perfect time to do what you love without the nagging obligations at work to hold you back. If you master what you love and find a way to make a living out of it, there’s nothing stopping you from being your own boss.

If all else fails, take a nap, or you know, do this!

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